Procurement Process


Every year Madhucon Sugar & Power Industries Ltd. Forming a groups based on plant and ratoon dates, age of the crop and varietal composition. Before commence the crushing season cane team conducts a pre-maturity survey by through field level brix small mill test at Lab level, for knowing sucrose levels in the cane. Based on these results permits will be generated for procuring the cane.

Post this massive exercise, every farmer within the command area of the mill is provided with a calendar, which tells him when he can expect a Mill Supply. After receiving the permit the farmer harvests the cane and transports it either in a bullock cart, tractor trolley or lorry to the mill.

MSPIL maintaining CANE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) monitoring Date of Plant Ratoon. Team of cane department everyday will visit the Growers after planting.

Ratoon immediately record it in CMS through TABS. Team will measure the cane area also with TAB and enter the area in CMS for accuracy.

Team will visit the cane plots and educate the growers about calendar operations in a systamatic way. Pests and disease identification also will record and suggest the farmers about control measures.

Before starting the crushing season based on the variety & date of plantation will make pre harvesting maturity survey and collect the samples. Samples will analyze under the small mill test (SMT) based on CCS values and date of plantation / ratoon chart will be prepared and issue cutting order.