Aggressive cane development programme, taken up by the company, has resulted in gradual improvement in the cane availability and resulted in more than Optimum utilization of plant capacity. The plant performance is further improving on account of adopting latest technologies and innovative methodologies.
Cane Development Programme envisaged includes bringing more area under sugar cane cultivation and increase in the cane yield on par with the best in the industry by making available the latest technologies to farmers and monitoring implementation on a regular basis and bringing about corrective steps where necessary to achieve Optimum Utilisation of plant capacity utilization consistently. As a part of this programme company to improve seed quality and also reduce the seed quantity for plantation introduced Protray seed lings distribution to Farmers at cost subsidy basis has identified new resources in the factory zone and growers are persuaded to take up sugar cane cultivation. Similarly field demonstrations and personal counseling of the growers is being practiced continuously to make growers follow cultural and agricultural practices to improve the yield in the factory zone.
The Sugar Factory has five mill tandem with GRPF for first and last mill for better capacity and extraction of juice. Quick mill by pass system is incorporated to facilitate mill maintenance for avoiding hindrance to the crushing operations.
MSPIL introduced many improvement programmes in line with the latest technologies available continuously which include improvement in energy and water conservation front. Established various steam saving devices like Direct contact heaters, installed bottom mounted pan mechanical circulators for efficient utilization of low pressure steam for pan boiling as well as continuous pans for B and C Massecuite boiling. Conventional gear systems for reducing the speeds with planetary gears and automation with variable frequency drives where required conserving electrical energy and improving consistent output.
Processing systems like juice clarification have been upgraded and syrup and melt clarification systems have been installed to produce premium grade white sugar below 50 IU with minimum sulfur content. Sugar is being packed in standard bags suitable for export.
We are conducting the farmers training programme at regular intervals by intiating the subject experts from regional Agricultural research stations.
Bringing high yield new varieties from MAHARASTRA and tissue culture seed from RUDRAMPUR research station and supplying to the cane grower for improving of the yield.